Where Community dines together, regardless of ability to pay. And those who can, pay it forward.
Keeping yourself healthy can be a challenge. We are here to help. We offer free blood pressure checks, foot care and a wide range other workshops to help you stay healthy.
Sign up for one of the many free classes or workshops and have fun doing it.
Be sure and check our our Newsletter (click the NEWS icon at the top of the page) for detailed program description. Many of them are free. Appointment may be required.
During these times of uncertainty many of us are feeling anxious and are concerned for those most vulnerable, people over 60 years old, and individuals with underlying health conditions. Many of our seniors are concerned about leaving the house. While many of our seniors have family and a large social support system, many do not. Our isolated seniors do not have family members and neighbors who are able to help them during these difficult times.
If you need assistance or would like to offer assistance, please contact Michelle Reitan at (425) 954-2523. You may also email me.
Another way you can help is through financial assistance. We have established a “Helping Hands Fund”. The contributions will be used to help with the cost of our senior lunch program. If you would like to make a donation to our Helping Hands Fund please click this link.
Direct mail donations are also welcome by sending to PO Box 717, Edmonds, WA 98020. Please indicate “Helping Hands Fund” on your check.
Even in less stressful times, seniors experience social isolation and loneliness. These experiences increase in times like these. Remember to look out for the seniors within our community. Please consider reaching out and checking in on them with a simple phone call or other friendly means to let them know you are thinking of, and caring for, them. Thank You!
Michelle Reitan, MSW
Edmonds Senior Center