Healthy Living Workshops

Please call us at 425-774-5555 to register or click the link below to sign-up online!

We’re here to help.

Keeping yourself healthy can be a challenge. We are here to help. We offer foot care and a wide range other workshops to help you stay healthy.

Sign up for one of the many free classes or workshops and have fun doing it.

Aging Mastery Program Workshop

The Aging Mastery Program (AMP) is a fun and engaging education and behavior change incentive program for aging well.

The AMP core curriculum covers 10 topics with a mix of didactic and interactive learning with an emphasis on peer-to-peer interaction. At the end of the program participants have set goals for positive actions in many aspects of their lives such as exercise, nutrition, finances, advance care planning, community engagement, and healthy relationships.

Older adults in the program expressed significant increases in their:

  • Social connectedness
  • Physical activity levels
  • Healthy eating habits
  • Use of advanced planning
  • Participation in evidence-based programs
  • Adoption of several other healthy behaviors

It’s Fun!

  • 97% find the program fun
  • 98% would recommend the program to a friend

“The class offering was actually profound for me. I am 70 years old and if I’m ‘lucky’ I may have 10 more ‘good’ years. The classes offered ways to make the years happier, healthier, and more worry free.”

Your Life / Your Wishes Advanced Directive and End of Life Planning

While most Americans say they would prefer to live through the end of their lives at home, surrounded by friends and family, the reality is the exact opposite. More than 70 percent of Americans die in hospitals or nursing homes.

Studies show that when people age 65 and older plan in advance with their doctors they are much more satisfied about their preferences for care through the end of their lives. They’re less anxious, feel more in control, and trust that their physicians understand their wishes.

This workshop helps:

  • How your values and beliefs can guide your personal choices regarding medical care through the end of life.
  • How to select the best person to speak for you in the event that you are unable to speak for yourself.
  • What life sustaining treatments may be offered to you at the end of life and the pros and cons of each treatment.
  • What forms you need to fill out and share with your doctor to document your choices.
  • What are the different burial options available in Washington State.